There are currently 2 names in this directory beginning with the letter R.
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent (or Inexpensive) Disks)A storage technology that combines multiple hard drives together to provide fault tolerance and better performance. Data is spread out across the drives, along with additional calculated data, so that data can be re-generated if part of the array fails. RAID protects you against data loss in the case of hardware failure. Unlike backup, RAID does not offer protection against file corruption or deletion, or data loss to malware, theft, or natural disaster.
A copy of data, stored in a secondary location, which is used to restore data in the primary storage location that is corrupted or lost. Restoring involves copying data from the backup to the primary storage to replace the corrupted or lost files. Backing up is a storage strategy that allows you to recover from data loss.
A term derived from "malicious software," and that refers to all computer viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware.
RepositoryA system that acquires, stores, monitors, preserves, and provides access to its resources, run by an organization committed to providing long-term access to authenticated content to its users. A repository requires significant infrastructure to build and maintain.
The process of ensuring the long-term accessibility of authenticated content. Digital preservation involves preventing loss or damage to digital objects, and extending their existence beyond the lifespan of their storage media or technology. Preservation requires ongoing resources, commitment and actions.
The quality of being genuine, not fake or counterfeit, and free from tampering. Authenticity means that an object was actually created by the person represented as its creator, and that it was actually created at the time and place that is represented as its time and place of creation. Video footage that has been manipulated or altered but is represented as if it had not been, for example, is not authentic.
To authenticate a video means to verify the relationship between it and its creator and point of creation. Documentation about who created something, when and where it was created, and the chain of custody can provide a starting point for this authentication process.